Goji Juice

This review is dedicated to those who have interest in goji juice. It contains almost everything that you would ever need to know about this topic. You would have to read this article about goji juice to comprehend how much effort has been put into it to make it worth it. You would have to finish reading it to understand that.

Research-Supported Benefits of Goji Juice

Don't you think that the thing in which you were so interested-goji juice would never have been truly yours if you have not read this article. Don't you think your knowledge about goji juice would have remained incomplete without reading this article?

The unassuming little goji berry is native to Central Asia, found most often in the Himalayan regions of Mongolia, Nepal and Tibet. The healing power of goji juice extends as far back as 800 A.D. when its health properties were inadvertently discovered by Buddhist monks when the berries fell into their water supply and they began to reap enormous health benefits by drinking the water.

The very fact that you are reading this article is a demonstration of your interest in knowing all about goji juice. Moreover, reading this article must have made you aware of the work that has been put into making this article enjoyable to read, and it must have made you aware of the fact that it is not pure speculation in saying that this commentary is different from the others treating the same subject.

Although goji juice has been a staple of traditional Asian medicine for centuries, only in recent years have the claims of healing and prevention of disease been scientifically studied in America, Europe, and the Mongolian Institute of Traditional Medicine.

What the researchers are finding, in controlled clinical studies, is astonishing. If the healing power and life extending properties of goji juice hold up to scientific scrutiny
and can be replicated and validated, diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis, immune deficiencies, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, insomnia and more will take a dramatic turn for the better.

What Does the Research on This Tropical Juice Tell Us?

In 1992, the Journal of the Beijing Medical University reported that in their studies, goji juice reduced antibodies associated with allergic reactions and other histamine-related syndromes like psoriasis. Anti-aging studies conducted by Dr. J. Zhang in 1993 were promising; goji juice contains a powerful secretagogue, a substance that acts on the pituitary gland to slow the aging process. In studies with elderly people, researchers found that subjects reported beneficial changes in strength, sexual libido, improved sleep and appetite, and were less susceptible to disease.

In inflammatory conditions like arthritis, lupus, and fibromyalgia, research data indicated that goji juice neutralizes superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that contributes to physical pain. The goji juice administration yielded similar results in studies of cardiovascular function, liver function, improvements in vision, and gastric disorders resulting from reduced stomach activity.

The most exciting part of these studies concerned the properties of goji juice in cancer prevention and treatment. Administration of the berry to test subjects produced strong tumor growth inhibitors that reduced the malignant spread of cancer throughout the body. Moreover it appears to be a useful supplement to prevent liver cancer due to its preventative actions upon the liver and inhibiting damage and disease.

In 1994 a clinical trial at Second Military Medical University in Shanghai that provided subjects with goji juice and the anti-cancer drug LAK/IL-2 showed better treatment results than when the drug was used alone. Seventy-nine subjects showed amazing and unexpected regression of cancer. Further research in Asia demonstrated similar regression in patients with malignant melanoma, renal cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. Researchers did the math and found that among patients using the drug augmented by goji juice had a positive response rate of 40.9% as opposed to 16.1% of patients who received only the drug.

Summarizing, as the clinical trials and studies in America and Europe continue, goji juice comes under intense scrutiny by medical researchers. This Asian berry just may prove to be a breakthrough in healthcare. After all, if nobody asked "What's this mold?" we wouldn't have penicillin.

This concludes the article on goji juice and hopefully you were able to gain something useful by reading this review.

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